The fishing has been very good. Some of the streams that we were having temperature issues, have now seen lower afternoon temperatures due to the rains. With that said we have also had some major rains that have blown out the East Fork (with mud slides), West Fork, Lower Piedra and several other small streams that do not usually get blown out. Still with a little searching around you can always find some clear water, or head down below the dam to the Lower San Juan River.
Last week while fishing with Elaine McCoy we had to deal with the high water. We had a trip planned on the private property of Sunset Ranch. On the drive out to meet Elaine I already had an idea what the river would look like from the storms the evening before and I checked the flow's online (I have a link on my web page for river flows). I still had hope to fish the ranch, I can deal with chalky stained water, but when I drove downtown and crossed the bridge over the San Juan, my jaw dropped. It looked like the middle of spring run-off in July! I immediately thought of Tobby and his crew at Pagosa Outside. I was betting that they were getting the rafts ready for one more day of white water in Pagosa!
The fishing on the ranch was going to be out of the question. We poked around on the East Fork, checked out the West Fork, then headed to one of my small streams that usually drop very quick. We were putting on a wading gear while it was raining, with some way off thunder. I could tell she was a little doubtful, but we headed out. We got to the stream and there were caddis, mayflies, and midges all flying around in the air, and fish rising! Sometimes it was tough to see the trout rising with all the rain drops. We had lots of fish eat and I saw a lot of heads coming out of the water taking dry's. All of this action, probably would not have happened if it was another 87 degree, blue bird day.
Way to hang in there Elaine!
This nice Rainbow was caught in a tiny stream near Pagosa Springs.
This was the hole, that the big rainbow was hiding out in. It might take a little work to find fish like this on small streams, be prepared to do some hiking!
Scott Taylor
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